1) There are some people who make more than one New Year’s resolutions. As a result, they are not able to get success in a single one. Therefore, you should try to make only one New Year’s resolution and try to surf your energies for its success.
2) There are some people who wait for the New Year’s evening for the selection of New Year’s resolution. As a result, they are not able to get enough time to select a suitable resolution. Therefore, instead of waiting for the New Year’s evening, one should give enough time and try to select a suitable resolution before the New Year's evening.
3) There is a possibility that you have got disappointment in the resolution of the previous year. Therefore, there is no need to select the same resolution for the next year.
4) You should also try to envision your success. To envision your success means that you have set a particular day for the success of your resolution.
5) There is no need to select a resolution by keeping in mind the resolutions of the other people. You should try to select such resolution which you really want to extract from your life.
6) You should also try to find an accountability partner who can provide you with a briefing about your successes and failures in order to achieve a resolution.
7) After selecting a resolution, you should try to achieve this resolution by dividing it into easily attainable goals.
8) There is no need to beat yourself with the help of a resolution.
9) In order to get support from others, you should try to share the goals of your resolution with your family members and friends.
10) The only way to achieve your resolution is to stay motivated. You can easily stay motivated by preparing a checklist of the goals.
11) There is no need to give space to a sense of failure while achieving your success.
12) After achieving some goals of your resolution, you should try to give a reward to yourself. This is also an essential thing to stay motivated while achieving your resolution.
13) In order to get an idea about the concrete goals of your resolution, you can also prepare a spreadsheet of your resolution goals.
14) There is no need to leave a resolution after facing some hazards.
15) At last, never forget to keep it simple silly by reviewing and refocusing.