1) Integrity thresholds
As we have discussed earlier that the basic aim of the corporate governance is to create the healthy relationship with the shareholders, members of the management committee, and suppliers. If a company has the best corporate governance, then it will provide a chance for the company to make the process of decision-making as easy as it is possible. Its reason is that the best corporate governance has the ability to set the high integrity thresholds with the shareholders, customers, management committee, and suppliers.
2) Board independence
If you want to get the best results and to get the outcomes of the company, then you should try to provide a free hand to the board committee. Its reason is that in the board committee, there are highly qualified and well-experienced persons and they have the ability to run all the affairs of the company in an effective way. The independence of the board is possible only with the help of the best corporate governance of a company. If a company doesn’t have an impressive corporate governance, then it is almost impossible for it to provide the independence to the board members.
3) Internal controls
If a company has an independent board, then it is easy for them to control and monitor the financial issues within an organization. With the help of these rules, it will be easy for the shareholders that an organization is honest with them and there is no chance of fraud and other kinds of the financial misrepresentations in it. To prepare and enhance the financial reports is also an important task for the board members and this is also possible only if a company has an impressive corporate governance.
4) Economic effects
The corporate governance has also a lot of impact on the economic growth of an organization. If an organization has the poor corporate governance, then it is almost impossible for it to last the positive impacts on the business market. On the other hand, if a company has the best corporate governance, then it will be easy for an organization to control the different economic effects within an organization. Moreover, an impressive corporate governance has also a lot of public perceptions of the business.